So let’s get you and your garden prepared for the lush splendor the growing season has to offer! Whether you are a veggie gardener or enjoy maintaining a perennial bed – these tips should help you to get in the mood to get your garden gloves on and shake off that winter dust for some Spring garden preparation!
1.Research your growing zone
Now is the time to have fun choosing what plants you want to grow! Mentally prepare for what kinds of veggies and perennials you want to see in your garden, then do more research on the environmental conditions those plants grow in – Are they sun or shade tolerant? How much water do they need? Will they need fertilizer, if so what kind? These are all questions to ask yourself before purchasing a plant you are going to give lots of love to and grow to get the best benefit from. Companion planting is also a good thing to research depending on the kinds of plants you would like to grow, and what area you will grow them. Are you using a garden bed such as one of our Urbana 4x4 Keyhole Composting beds or are you planting in a plot in the ground?
Cucumbers and tomatoes need space and support to get the best harvest where somethings, such as carrots or potatoes need a deep vessel to grow deep in. Consider what plants may encroach on others and drown out the space in which they are growing. In a perennial bed, layout is just as important – Some Hosta varieties grow much larger than others, and Hydrangeas may need much more watering than a drought tolerant perennial such as Sedum.
2.Have the right tools
I cannot stress this enough. “Work smarter not harder” is my motto! Making sure you are prepped with the proper tools makes the job that much more enjoyable; Sharpened pruners and shears for cutting back dead growth. The right shovels to spade edge your garden, shovel fresh soil, or digging smaller plant holes. A pitchfork or something to turn over your compost pile and a rake that is comfortable to use for raking up debris or helping to spread mulch. Finally, a good working hose and watering can or two. Setting yourself up for the growing season right from the start will give you the motivation to do the dirty work – which is always rewarding!
3.Have fun with it!
If you are a beginner, start small and learn from your mistakes. Enjoying the process and learning as you go is the best mindset to have. Growing vegetables is a wonderful hobby to have, I can guarantee you will be sharing your tomato harvest with friends and family in no time!Katie